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Reproductive Justice



Request for Quotation (RFQ) – Procurement for Dignity Kits

Release Date: 9th July 2024

For: Ipas-Pakistan

Instructions to Offerors                                                                                   

  1. Offer Deadline: Offers must be received no later than 05:00PM PST on July 15, 2024 by Ipas procurement portal mentioning office contact details (office address, landline number and email address, and office/company website if any). Any offer received after the mentioned deadline will not be considered.
  2. Specifications: Section 2 contains the specifications/requirements.
  3. Quotations: Prices must be quoted item wise, all-inclusive (including: insurance, inspections, transportations, etc.). The quoted price should be inclusive of GST. Offers must remain valid for a period of 30 days.
  1. Negotiations: Best-offer quotations are requested. It is anticipated that awards will be made solely on the basis of these original quotations; however, Ipas reserves the right to conduct negotiations and/or request clarifications prior to awarding a Purchase Order (PO).


  1. Evaluation and Award: The award will be made to a responsible offeror whose offer follows the RFQ instructions, meets the technical specifications and requirements, and is judged to be the most advantageous in terms of delivery, lowest cost and technical/specification acceptability of product.
  2. Terms and Conditions: Issuance of this RFQ does not in any way obligate Ipas-Pakistan to award a purchase order, nor does it commit Ipas – Pakistan to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal. Any resultant award or lease will be governed by these terms and conditions. In case of sole distributor of the required product, mention and attach copy of the sole distribution certificate.
  3. Sample Approval: Sample of the required product will be produced by supplier & will be marked to applied commodity during physical verification. Samples are required to be submitted by the vendor at the time of submission of the quotation & same can be collected after 07 days of bid closing time.
  4. Delivery: Supplier must provide shortest delivery time possible & clearly mention lead time in quotation.
  5. Late Delivery: Will be imposed under the following conditions & payment deduction/cancelation of purchase order will be made upon the below criteria. Maximum delay will be catered 20 days.
  • Percentage of contract price per day of delay – 5%
  • no of days of delay – 05 Days
  • Next course of action after 20 days of delay – Cancelation of PO
  • Please note that in case of severe immoral law & order situation, supplier must inform us by email & telephone to avoid deduction & also has to mention the latest delivery date.                                           10. Invoicing & Mode of Payment: Upon the acceptance of the contract deliverables described in Section 2, the company shall submit an original invoice to the Ipas office, Islamabad for payment.

After company deliverables & invoice. The payment will be made through cheque within 15 working days.

To constitute a proper invoice, the invoice must include the following information:

  1. Company legal name, NTN & STN number, subcontract number, invoice date, and invoice number.
  2. Deliverable(s) number, description of approved deliverable(s), and corresponding fixed price(s).

Section 2


Section 2 contains the specifications and requirements are as below:

  Dignity Kit Items
 # Activities Description Description Brand Name Units per kit Unit Rate Total
1 Flashlight/ Torch 01x M size, good quality, handheld (pk/ China made) DP LED Toruch 1    
2 Comb Medium, good quality Local made 1    
3 Sanitary pads (2 packs – 16 pieces/pack – thick layer cotton, w/wings) quality local brand Butterfly 2    
4 Reusable sanitary cloth 4x pieces of cotton cloth, soft, highly absorbent cloth 1/1 meter Local Made 4    
5 Underwear (pack of 3) 1S, 1 M & 1 L size (Maroon/Dark Blue/ Black/ Red) Local made 3    
6 Cotton sheet (Khais) Soft, standard quality Local Made 1    
7 Large summer shawl For females (basic colours) Soft, standard quality Local made 1    
8 Toothpaste 200 gm, any local brand Sparkel 1    
9 Toothbrush (Pack of 03) any local brand, good quality Sparkel 3    
10 Miswak 03 (8-10 inches in length) Neem/Pilo 3    
11 Bath Soap 250 gm (Anti bacterial soap), quality local brand, wrapped Lifeboy 1    
12 Laundry soap 200 gm, quality local brand, wrapped Sufi Soap 1    
13 Mosquitoes repellent 45 ml, quality local brand King 1    
14 Draw String 03 (8-10 inches in length) Mospel 3    
15 Nylon string Heat resistant, 4 meters in length, 0.5 inches/mm in diameter. Local made 1    
16 Towel 1 meter (01x), Soft, good quality Local made 1    
17 Plastic bucket to adjust the kit items (15 litre capacity) With flat lockable lid and handles for storage. Local made 1    
18 Clothes Clippers 1 dozen (Wooden/Stainless Steel) Local made 1    
19 Lice Comb Small comb Local made 1    
20 Mug with handle 1.5 L, capacity (Made of fresh plastic) Local made 1    
21 Mosquito nets Large   200    


*Above rates should be inclusive of GST.


Advance Payment: Not Applicable

Delivery Time: ________________

Price Validity: ________________

Mode of Payment: Check


 Offer Summary

Business name:  _________________________________________________________________

Address:  _______________________________________________________________________

Registration status:  _______________________________________________________________

NTN number: ____________________________________________________________________

Owner’s name:  __________________________________________________________________

CNIC number:  ___________________________________________________________________

Telephone #: ____________________________________________________________________


Does the business have an active bank account?  (Circle one)     YES         NO

Offerors are requested to complete the following table regarding per-unit pricing (inclusive of delivery price)

Description Unit Quantity Quotation/Price

Letter of Submission

The following letter must be completed and submitted with any offer:

To:                   Ipas portal

Reference:        RFQ No. PK-RQ-0609

To Whom It May Concern:

I hereby present the enclosed proposal in response to the above-referenced RFQ.

I hereby acknowledge and agree to all of the terms and conditions, special provisions, and instructions included in the above referenced RFP.  I further certify that the business named below—as well as the business’ principal officers and all commodities/services offered in response to this RFP—are eligible to participate in this procurement under the terms and conditions of this solicitation.

I certify the following:  “The business named below, to the best of my current knowledge, did not provide, within the previous ten years, and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not and will not knowingly provide, material support or resources to any individual or entity that commits, attempts to commit, advocates, facilitates, or participates in terrorist acts, or has committed, attempted to commit, facilitated, or participated in terrorist acts.”

The prices quoted in this offer are valid for 30 days after closing of the submission deadline.

I hereby certify that the enclosed representations, certifications, and other statements are accurate, current, and complete, to the best of my knowledge.




Business name



Name and title of authorized representative



CNIC Number







Opportunity has expired.

WorkDay Requisition Number

Remote work ALLOWED



Issuing Ipas Office


Country where the work will be performed


Issue Date

July 9, 2024

Expiration Date/Time (UTC)

July 15, 2024 20:00

Type of Request

Request for Quotation

Additional Information